Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Not Yet the Eve of the Day That Shall Live in Infamy

Things have taken off at a sprint here for me in Bishkek. Anna and Sean took off via Almaty and I have been puttin' in work to make things flow. The current bigger project is auditing the alpine fund's last month of events. No one asked me to do it, but I think it will reveal some interesting stuff. That said, much of it is a bit arbitrary as I had to estimate the value of what we do based on the prices of comparable services.

It is snowing like the dickens here today. I even had a goodly frosty sheen on my beard and disappearing hair. I started a beginners English class for some of the kids that are willing to make a long trek from the orphanage to get some English. It is pretty remarkable how little one can learn after 7 years of "english class." The gals are in the 8th form (grade) which is a good time for them to get into a more intensive relationship with the fund.

I have lots of writing to do about the last week. I am going to try to get to it tomorrow but will surely be on top of things by this weekend. I don't need to go to the dacha this weekend. Despite the drain on office and event staff, a few folks have volunteered their services for the weekend trips.

I will be more thoughtful and hopefully thought provoking soon.

I miss everyone a whole lot but am happy to be here.

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